Title: The Scorch Trials Author: James Dashner Series: The Maze Runner (book 2) Publisher: Chicken House Ltd Release Date: 5 Jun. 2014 ISBN: 9781909489417 Synopsis Solving the Maze was supposed to be the end. No more puzzles. And no more running. Thomas was sure that escaping meant he would get his life back. But no one knew what sort of a life they were going back to... Burned and baked, the earth is a wasteland, its people driven mad by an infection known as the Flare. Instead of freedom, Thomas must face another trial. He must cross the Scorch to once again save himself and his friends. My Review I enjoyed Maze Runner overall but had a few reservations, but I was intrigued to find out more so started to read Scorch Trials. The Gladers are out of the maze, but it's not the comforting end they hoped for, instead the experiments continue, but on a much larger and more dangerous scale. Thomas and his friends must once more band together to try and overcome all the trials an...
There are always cycles of topics that are popular in YA books. Back when I was a teen it was all vampires, and Fear Street, and what not. As a Teen Librarian it is my job to stay on top of what is popular in YA lit. Well, you know what? Sometimes I get sick of what's "popular". So, I've decided to blog about some of the YA topics that I wish would just die already...or in some cases re-die. 1. Paranormal Romance. AKA "ZOMG! My boyfriend is a vampire/werewolf/angel/gnome...." Oh dear lord where do I even start with this one? Yeah, Twilight was cool. And I like Shiver, a lot. But seriously, I'm about supernatural boyfriended out. The only Supernatural boyfriend I'd like to see for a little while is Dean, you know the character from the show Supernatural. Just find a boy who doesn't sparkle and date him for awhile. Damn. 2. Rich Bitch crap. There, I said it. I am tired of the rich g...